AbalaTips 101: Avoid Distractions in Philippine Medical School and PLE Review

 Hello again mga kacolleague welcome to AbalaTIPS:

Disclaimer: This AbalaTIP is encourage readers to read textbook and do active learning on them, this will not invalidate of your study strategy but rather as a supplement to encourage to put active learning on it

Today we will discuss about some distractions that may affect a student study in medical school and possible interventions that can be done to minimize the distractions while studying medical school. Also i can discuss here is how to make your social media into a learning experience for medical school

Nowadays gadgets are becoming more common especially both tablets, smartphones are commonly used in terms of

1. Announcement from the school or class using social media
2. Storage of electronic textbook and transcripts which can be used to read or follow textbook on the class

But there is downside, since social media is involve it can be distracting each other lives update and also tendency to chat with one another, but here are some techniques that can be used

Tips to reduce distractions while studying
1. Create your own schedule
 - make sure that you dedicate your time onto this, make sure that it is balanced, there is a time that you can study and also a time for rest in between, separate breaks and studying in according to to your abilities or the method that you can study, especially during after class that you need some time also to review the information that you had learned in the medschool during the day

2. Using the Pomodoro technique
- This uses the 25 minute studying session with short breaks, to wear off mental fatigue this also includes scheduling 

The 25-minute work sprints are the core of the method, but a Pomodoro practice also includes three rules for getting the most out of each interval:

  1. Break down complex projects. If a task requires more than four pomodoros, it needs to be divided into smaller, actionable steps. Sticking to this rule will help ensure you make clear progress on your projects.

  2. Small tasks go together. Any tasks that will take less than one Pomodoro should be combined with other simple tasks. For example, "write rent check," "set vet appointment," and "read Pomodoro article" could go together in one session.

  3. Once a pomodoro is set, it must ring. The pomodoro is an indivisible unit of time and can not be broken, especially not to check incoming emails, team chats, or text messages. Any ideas, tasks, or requests that come up should be taken note of to come back to later. A digital task manager like Todoist is a great place for these, but pen and paper will do too.

In the event of an unavoidable disruption, take your five-minute break and start again. Cirillo recommends that you track interruptions (internal or external) as they occur and reflect on how to avoid them in your next session.

Try the Pomodoro Technique if you...

  • Find little distractions often derail the whole workday
  • Consistently work past the point of optimal productivity
  • Have lots of open-ended work that could take unlimited amounts of time (e.g., studying for an exam, research for a blog post, etc.)
  • Are overly optimistic when it comes to how much you can get done in a day (aren't we all 🙃)
  • Enjoy gamified goal-setting
  • Really like tomatoes

 ***taken from: https://todoist.com/productivity-methods/pomodoro-technique
Can be downloaded on Google Play and App Store in Apple

3. Forest App
 -The forest app can let you grow trees while you are busy in studying, in the paid version, it will really block other apps especially social media leaving only essential ones such as settings when timer is set, ideal for those who want to break free from social media

Lets move to some practical ways on how to avoid distractions
1. Deactivate facebook
- This is temporary method which you will deactivate facebook but your messenger will still be active

2. Remove social media apps on your phone temporarily
- uninstall them temporarily then reinstall and sign in once you have no exams to deal with

-Social Media nowadays are not just for entertainment or knowing updates from our friends but also we can learn here about updates for our profession in medicine, here are some samples of Journals that has facebook account

John Hopkins Hospital
News-Medical Online
New Oxford Journal of Medicine

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